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2009-02-15 07:40:08
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Official Role-Playing Tournament

The Champion's Tournament


Contest Closed


Here in Elftown there have been drawing contests, photography contests, colouring contests, prose contests, poetry contests, clothes-designing contests... contests that cater for the interests of this community.

Except one. In a community teeming with Role-players, where is the contest to decide the best? I have seen many people claim to be excellent role-players, only the be disappointed when I saw their skill. I've seen god players, power players and hundreds of Mary Sues. But I have also seen skill, talent, interesting characters and strong role-playing. Now it's time to put that skill and talent to the test.  

The Champion's Tournament is a tournament to decide the best Role-player on Elftown. Dare you compete?


* Contestants * CT Rules * CT Judges *


Note: Reading the rules would be a wise idea.

The Champion's Tournament will be played in groups rounds, with each player who scores over a certain amount of points continuing to the following round.

The winners will be decided by judges who will follow a set criteria for awarding points. The judge(s) of your particular match will remain anonymous.

Points will be awarded for the originality of your character, as well as role-play skills. You may submit up to three characters to use throughout the tournament.

The winner will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it. The badge itself is still a surprise.



We are looking for the best role-player not the strongest character! This isn’t a fighting tournament, where whoever kills the other’s character is the winner – it’s a role-play tournament – the winner will be the best role-player; and as all good role-players know, that doesn’t necessarily mean the one with the strongest character.

And since it's a fair assumption that most people here are into role-playing, why don't you check out Text Adventures? If you've got an RP of your own, and you want members, add it!


Moderated by [iippo] & [windowframe]

Username (or number or email):


2006-03-01 [Faulty Limerence]: MONKEYS!

2006-03-01 [Paul Doyle]: EMO-TRON 5000!

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: Oh god!!! Does it make the Emo's??? Ive been wondering where they come from i always thought they were like the amebas...

2006-03-01 [Fizban]: Phagiocytosis to slurpump there way over to us, and consume is directly from cell membrane to a neatly packed vacuole of ~scene~ doom...

2006-03-01 [NamelessMerc]: I thought they were just synthesised in the music industry. You know, kind of like a protein in the nucleus and ribosomes. The parents birth it, then the music industry slaps it together in a seemingly random hodge-podge until the final result is born, a scene-monster capable of nothing but bad taste.

2006-03-01 [Paul Doyle]: Ah, kind of like Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer back in the day :PPP

2006-03-01 [NamelessMerc]: Or the SlipKnoT clones of yester-year.

2006-03-01 [Faulty Limerence]: "Slurpump"?

2006-03-01 [Paul Doyle]: Touch this. :PPPPPPPPPP

2006-03-01 [Faulty Limerence]: ...?

2006-03-01 [Paul Doyle]: Do a Google Search. Find video link to "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer. All shall be revealed. Some of us had to suffer through that as teenagers @_@


2006-03-01 [Cassave]: Don't forget the baggy pants...nanananah! Ooops, I forgot the lyrics.

2006-03-01 [iippo]: Booooring topic.

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: I remember that::shudders;:

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: Post deleter alert! =O

2006-03-01 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: wtf?

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: It doesn't matter. =P

2006-03-01 [windowframe]: ^^; Sorry man, I apologise profusely. I'll... buy you a cake or something to make it up.

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: What about alcohol of equal worth? ^_^ I can safely say however, that no one qualified for the next round. Well, that's a lie. But the way I wanted it, you would have needed 149/150. The only person who got that was me. In my mind. Badge, please?

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: **is profusely confused**

2006-03-01 [Aradon Templar]: And Deus declares himself winner of the Roleplaying Tourney. A round of applause, please! *scattered applause* Congrats :D

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: XD somehow I just dont think he can do that. I mean I bet everyone would mob him and what not. Pitch forks and all

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: I know Chuck Norris' phone number. And he's my best friend. The first glimpse of a pitchfork and I'm getting him to go celestial on you all. *hogs badge*

2006-03-01 [Aradon Templar]: I wouldn't be so sure, Poptart Girl. Deus has inner connections with nearly all the judges. And Chuck Norris, apparently.

2006-03-01 [K'jesrya]: how much longer before we will know if our characters made it through the first part and get to start

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: I didn't bribe them. Honest.

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: It doesn't matter. I won. Did you not hear this? The judging process is very intricate. Whenever you find out, if you did pass, you should be honoured.

2006-03-01 [iippo]: Hmm, deus could you pass me Chuckie's number? Now there's a man who's not only gorgeous and kick-ass but also has an uber-smexy beard.

2006-03-01 [Aradon Templar]: K'jesrya: An undefined period of time that will be revealed once we're finished judging. By which time nobody will really care, methinks. In any case, time isn't for all you contestants to worry yourselves about, until we have an official declaration of the end of the world. In such a case, we'll expediate the process to ensure that the contest is finished before such a time should arrive.

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: i need chuck to kick someones arse for me do you think you could get him to do it for me? XD

2006-03-01 [K'jesrya]: heh heh...thanks

2006-03-01 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: I am a bit confused.

2006-03-01 [Aradon Templar]: Explanation: We are judging bios at the moment, and will notify public when we're done. Until then, everyone can chill out and not concern themselves with this contest :D

2006-03-01 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: I already got that. But what's the deal with deus? lol

2006-03-01 [iippo]: He's jolly and we all luff him muchos (and he's going to give me Chuck Norris's phone number)

2006-03-01 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: That's why i got confused lol

2006-03-01 [Azuri]: me too i need someone beat up^_^

2006-03-01 [deus-ex-machina]: *flashes eyelashes* I'm special.

2006-03-01 [Faulty Limerence]: Man you guys talk a lot...I just posted this morning and it's long gone already...

2006-03-01 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: isnt it just great? get your fingers ready lol

2006-03-02 [Wes Foxx]: This is reminding me of Anthro RP... Everyone wanted to join, then a few weeks past, then months... no one cared. Then new stuff happened, a short burst of interrest, but by then it was far too late.

2006-03-02 [Paul Doyle]: This reminds me about that big deal they made when the Pope croaked, and everyone gathered around the cathedral waiting for white smoke to come out of the chimney, signaling a new pope. :P

2006-03-02 [windowframe]: If you can't gether interest again Wes Foxx, that's tough shit, you'll suck because you won't be interested, and then you'll get kicked out next round anyway. =D However, nothing anyone says here is going to speed us up.

2006-03-02 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: this time its different... It's the official rpg of elftown heh :p

2006-03-02 [Paul Doyle]: Dammit, where's the white smoke? :-P

2006-03-02 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: kakakaka...

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: ::watches the chimmney::

2006-03-03 [iippo]: Sorry paul, I'm very very much anti-smoking. Anyone making any colour smoke will have to step outside. And when you re-enter I will dramatically hold my nose because of the stink.

2006-03-03 [Delladreing]: And we will be forced to vent you better o.O

2006-03-03 [Lunnie]: So no fires, iippo? XD

2006-03-03 [iippo]: If it makes no smoke it's fine. So Harry Potter -fire is acceptable. :P

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: heh w00t so if its magical non stinky smoke??

2006-03-03 [iippo]: No, it will still go into people's lungs where air should go, and I like my cells oxygenised. No excessive particles in my breathing air, thanks.

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: Ah i see i see ::makes with the smokeless fire::

2006-03-03 [Nebka]: I'm so glad I live in a city where smoking indoors has been outlawed. ^.^

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: O.o thats only illegal here if umm its in a public place

2006-03-03 [iippo]: Meh, I'd prefer "smoking in public places" outlawed. Especially in front of the main exit of a big public building like a library or shop... Because usually there are ventilation air inlets there somewhere, and all the smoke goes into the ventilation system and the inside starts stinking.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Doesn't the new legislation we have coming in ban a certain distance from doors, etc.?

2006-03-03 [iippo]: That sounds promising. *has no steady access to news*

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: I'm not sure, I heard it from a friend, but the new law coming into effect in Britain soon (no smoking in public places) I believe extends to something like ten feet outside the door. Might be six feet, though, or smokers would be walking in the road.

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: hmm i see. i duno i just know most places in the USA have non smoking and smoking places but some places dont allow smoking at all which is dandy cause its a bad icky habit

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yo, don't discriminate against the smokers!

2006-03-03 [Kai Crewger]: really! while it is a bad habit, they're not necessarily bad people

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Poptart Gurl didn't say they were bad people... Stop extrapolating.

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: ...We're joking.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; I know... Jeez, me and my British sense of humour

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well. You anti-smokers are RACIST against black lungs.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Yep. I hate black lungs. Pink lungs are so much cleaner.

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: *gasp!* You antitarist!

2006-03-03 [Veltzeh]: I object to unhygienic lungs! :O

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Pink lunged people, trying to segregate the black lungs! It's proposterous!

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: *Thinks up a slogan for the lung-Nazis* How about... Zieg-Nicorette? Not quite got the same ring to it...

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: >.> Only as preposterous as the black lungs trying to assimilate the pink lungs via secondhand attempts.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: It's really sad though... All those passive-smokers trying to be black-lungs when they're blatantly still pink.

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: If pink lungs die it's their own damn fault.

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: XD I so cant descrimnate against smokers my entire family smokes, the love of my life smokes, I smoke...cigars....but yea i cant ^_^ Hiel Niccorette! XD

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yeah, those pink lunged smoker posers!

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: *gives up at the lack of reason* :P

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: I don't smoke, lol

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: <3 Reason? why would you want that its so much more fun without it

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: Oh, I was right there with you in the wit and sarcasm, I just couldn't come up with a response to those comments. And yeah, reason is what makes comprehensive civilization possible, if that's good enough of a reason.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Life is much more interesting without reason... It's like Discworld but with less magic. Magic... We need more magic in the world.

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: I disagree! Reason is horrid. Impulse is grand.

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: Reason also keeps you out of lots of trouble that impulse would stick you in.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Ah but impulse has it's benefits. It's the only reason I'm not in jail today, for instance.

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: No, but it'd get lots of other people into jail, I'd argue.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: So does reason, if you apply it the right way. :P Let's agree to disagree? I'm really too tired to debate at the moment...

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: lol there are times for reason and times for no reason and yesh we need more magic!::grabs bag o pixie dust and throws it on everyone::

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: Oh, I never intended to argue with you. Just mentioning. I couldn't keep up with the lack of reason in blaming pink lungs for 'attempting to become black' when it's the other way around and the like :P

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: Well to be honest, I think the whole point of the "black-lung/pink-lung" debate was it's blatant idiocy.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: At least for the love of God, I hope it was.

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: ^_^ i think it was randomness in its purest form

2006-03-03 [Aradon Templar]: Naturally it was blatant idiocy. Can't seem to keep up with it in such extremes, though.

2006-03-03 [NamelessMerc]: I can I have no trouble. Either that means I've got a broad range of intelligence, or I'm just steadily slipping. Oh God, I'm slipping *Flees to the hills*

2006-03-03 [Azuri]: Heh wish i could say i was slipping unfortunatly i slipped from that ledge and crashed into the rocks of crazyness looooooonnnnnnnggg ago

2006-03-03 [Jeesum Crowe]: Yes. It was blatant idiocy. And I know because I started it.

2006-03-03 [deus-ex-machina]: Does anyone else eat fecal matter?

2006-03-04 [Kai Crewger]: are you saying you do?

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: Only if someone else does.

2006-03-04 [NamelessMerc]: XD That's possibly the most intelligent thing ever uttered on this page.

2006-03-04 [NamelessMerc]: Which says a lot for this page.

2006-03-04 [Paul Doyle]: O__________________________________O

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: That makes me a sad, fecal matter-eating panda. =(

2006-03-04 [Aradon Templar]: *nods* Deus says many very intelligent things. Then again, he says some other things that aren't very intelligent at all. Which sadly makes his intellect go unnoticed, often :P

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: Hey! A man who is 32 and claims to not know his sexual preference has no right to question my little poopy treats.

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: I want you all to think I'm the dumb judge. So dumb, I chose not to pay $70 to join a high IQ society. MWAHAHA. I'm not drunk. Honestly. Really, now.

2006-03-04 [Kai Crewger]: *laugh*

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: That made no sense.

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: Hows aboot 'What other wiki page should we debate on?' It's not pointless, it doesn't have to be a debate and I'm not saying it's not interesting reading, but I think we should remain somewhat relevant to the tournament. I would start a topic, but all the ones I can think of would only annoy someone. No one in particular, of course, but I don't even want to suggest the questions in case people start on it. =D Top of the mornin' to you.

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: It is!

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: Nyar

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: Omigod, there's a tournament. Yay tournament. Tournament tournament tournament. Woot woot. Tournament. Did I mention tournament?

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: TOURNAMENT!

2006-03-04 [deus-ex-machina]: W00T!

2006-03-04 [Jeesum Crowe]: Wootytoot!

2006-03-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: Well, I know I'm in. Because I'm that cocky.

2006-03-05 [windowframe]: *deleted everything posted recently that was boring, because she was, well... bored.*

2006-03-05 [Jeesum Crowe]: Hey, I'm obviously quite interesting. *proud*

2006-03-06 [Kai Crewger]: BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! okay, sorry, just needed to get that out of my system.

2006-03-06 [Kyromanic]: *giggles*

2006-03-06 [Jeesum Crowe]: Shut the hell up, Kai.

2006-03-06 [Kai Crewger]: haha! you just got shot down, armyboy XD

2006-03-06 [Kai Crewger]: nono, leave it up Silvie. it'll entertain us for a little longer.

2006-03-06 [Lepellier]: You just like tormenting me, don't you? It's not my fault I don't thinkm things through....wait...actually...scratch's completely my fault!

2006-03-06 [Kai Crewger]: yes! I enjoy tormenting anyone! bwahaha! *evil cackling*

2006-03-06 [Lepellier]: Ha! I fixed my own mistake! : P

2006-03-06 [Jeesum Crowe]: Now I don't look like I'm talking about nothing.

2006-03-06 [Lepellier]: I honestly have no idea, so that post was pointless...

2006-03-06 [Kyromanic]: ...mew?

2006-03-06 [Kai Crewger]: :P bleh

2006-03-11 [Raie]: month.

2006-03-11 [windowframe]: Congratulations. It's always useful to have someone around to state the obvious.

2006-03-11 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: fun

2006-03-11 [Lunnie]: Dude guys, just stop checking on the damn place and forget about it. When they're done judging you'll se the changes on the contestants pages and you can become addicted again. You bothering to post in this little comment box everyday won't force the judges to go any faster. Have you forgotten to consider despite this contest they have lives to run and other interest they might want to take care of too. If they wear themselves out constantly preparing this contest they won't enjoy it like they should and neither will we. Either way, just stop asking when the damn contest will be resumed and the judging completed! It’s annoying. u.u; And you won’t get any different of an answer either.

2006-03-11 [Jeesum Crowe]: Dude... maybe we just want to talk. Like people talk. And are social. We're not attacking judges or anything, we're just hanging. So... Yeah. Chill out.

2006-03-12 [Fizban]: some arent attacking guards, others are I am sure.

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: When was the last time you saw that? It wasn't very recent, I can tell you that. So chill. Lay back.

2006-03-12 [Fizban]: I havent, because I dont usually pay attention to this page, percisly for the afore mentioned reason. I dunno, people don't seem to have the ability not to. But as was said, I havent seen it lately, and no I really dont care though.

2006-03-12 [Elwyne]: Are we still waiting for all our characters to be gone through, or has round two been planned yet?

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: read any and all above comments...and other things.... errg.....ok my brain is on holiday.....

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: OK, there are SOME dumb people. But the majority! The majority!!

2006-03-12 [Fizban]: haha!! told ya so ;)

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: You said you didn't care and hadn't noticed it. You said NOTHING.

2006-03-12 [Fizban]: "people don't seem to have the ability not to"-----there, thats what I said...and it's true :)

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: I have the ability! And the majority! Majority rules.

2006-03-12 [Kai Crewger]: magority!

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: Magority? What?

2006-03-12 [Kai Crewger]: heh, it's kinda an inside joke. at a club, the leader was writing something on the board, and she was having a hard time spelling that day, so it ended up magority, instead of majority

2006-03-12 [Jeesum Crowe]: ...OK...

2006-03-12 [Paul Doyle]: Um, build a fire, toast some marshmallows, sing a couple songs? Anything to stop the persistent whining on this page :P

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: YAY!! =D *starts a fire* FIIIIIIIIRRRRREEEE....

2006-03-12 [Paul Doyle]: *clears throat* "Louie, Louieeeeee . . . *

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: LOUIS!!!! WHERE!!! I LOVE LOUIS!!!! ^________________^

2006-03-12 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: [Lunnie] weird bioootch lol

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: Whatever Cat-Man... (yes that is my name for you from here on out)

2006-03-12 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: interesting?

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: hmm? what is? ^_^

2006-03-12 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: Nothing.

2006-03-12 [I'm her Georgia *Peach!*]: okies!

2006-03-15 [Nebka]: Kitty!! ^-^ *pointing at Gato*

2006-03-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Gato Negro is a really good wine...

2006-03-16 [Nebka]: What the hell was that?

2006-03-16 [Jeesum Crowe]: Wine. But it's not as good as Gato Negro. Nope.

2006-03-16 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: yey

2006-03-21 [NamelessMerc]: *Checks for signs of life on page* ".....BiP.....BiP.....Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee" Aw crap.

2006-03-21 [Kai Crewger]: patience is the key, young grasshopper.

2006-03-21 [NamelessMerc]: I'm not a grasshopper, I'm a gopher *Incredibly offended*

2006-03-21 [Kai Crewger]: same difference :P

2006-03-21 [NamelessMerc]: o.0; What kind of grasshoppers have you seen lately? XD

2006-03-21 [Faulty Limerence]: A gopher is the same as a grasshoper?

2006-03-21 [Kai Crewger]: the mutant kind >.<

2006-03-21 [Faulty Limerence]: Yay for mutants!

2006-03-21 [NamelessMerc]: Sweet, mutant gophers...

2006-03-21 [Kai Crewger]: oh yes. they're the kind with the radioactive saliva, that if you eat it on your PB&J will turn you into Gopher Man! *da da-da daaaaa!*

2006-03-21 [Faulty Limerence]: but I wanna be grasshoper-man.

2006-03-21 [NamelessMerc]: Gah, curse my inability to read... I meant mutant grasshoppers

2006-03-21 [Kai Crewger]: or if you crush up the mutant grasshopper legs, you can be Grasshopper Man

2006-03-21 [Faulty Limerence]: YAY!

2006-03-24 [Nebka]: ... Okay, No more sugar for you guys, or caffinee. But speaking of no life could we aleast get some updates as to how far you judges are on the list of applacants? I know I would appreciate it.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: NO.

2006-03-24 [Nebka]: why not?

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Because we're supposed to wait patiently, and so wait patiently we shall.

2006-03-24 [Nebka]: oh come on! It's been over a month!! The least you guys could do is tell us how far you've come so it could be a little easier to wait. I mean it seems like you guys are still on square one.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Perhaps they are. That's none of our business. We wait. WAIT, HO!

2006-03-24 [Bannefin]: The fist task: how long can you go without loosing interest. We are secretly being judged!

2006-03-24 [Fizban]: lols, somehow I doubht that, but who would certainly weed many people out of the competition.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Indeed it would. So we must WAIT with PATIENCE.

2006-03-24 [Bannefin]: Exactly

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: *waits*

2006-03-24 [Nebka]: ..."Patence is a virtue"... man, foiled by my own life quote.

2006-03-24 [Bannefin]: Tell me you don't have a side-kick always there for the "not now it isn't" line.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: SHUSH! We're WAITING. Waiting is a thing to be done in quiet.

2006-03-24 [Bannefin]: Quiet? It's one-thirty in the morning! That's the time the voices in my head start singing. Sometimes there's a dance routine.

2006-03-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: Here it's 2:30. Where it's QUIET.

2006-03-24 [iippo]: JeesumCrowe is absolutely right in most if not all of the commets she's said.

2006-03-24 [Paul Doyle]: A roll of extra-strong duct tape for wrists and mouth, and a dark closet lit by a single blue light would seem to come in handy for certain people, right about now. :P

2006-03-24 [iippo]: Naw, it's understandable that people get edgy; it is also understandable that our judges have LIVES as well and other non-ET stuff to do as well. So participants need to chill, and us judges need to stop ourselves from autofailing participants who don't chill. And as for giving an update how far we've got: a simple "no, we are not going to do that" suffices.

2006-03-24 [NamelessMerc]: Aye! Personally I feel for Dur, his laptop still ain't fixed is it?

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